The Baron Marcel Nicolet Medal 2017
Professor Prof. Ji Wu
Professor Ji Wu has made an outstanding contribution to international collaboration in the field of space weather. He has played a key role is opening up collaborations between Chinese and researchers in other countries, most obviously to European Space Weather Week community in terms of openings to European researchers, but also to other parts of the world, such as collaborations with Brazil. He has also played a leading role in regional activities such as the Asia Oceania Space Weather Alliance, and in the global scientific coordination of space weather research through groups such as COSPAR and International Living With a Star. He has been active in promoting the COSPAR-International Living With a Star roadmap on next steps in space weather research.
This builds on his experience in developing observational programmes: he played a key role in building the China-ESA collaboration on the Double Star and Cluster missions, which stimulated wider scientific collaboration that continues to be highly productive today; he has had an equally important role in ground based space weather observations through his efforts to promote the International Space Weather Meridian Circle Program, an international network that encircles the globe via the 120ºEast and 60ºWest meridians.