The Alexander Chizhevsky Medal 2015
Doctor Tatiana Podladchikova
Dr Tatiana Podladchikova
As a visiting scholar Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium Tatiana Podladchikova focused on the development of a prediction technique for the sunspot cycle maximum amplitude. In 2009-2011 as a Research Scientist at the Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia, Tatiana implemented the real-time prediction algorithm for the geomagnetic activity and developed an extended geomagnetic storm forecast. In 2012 as a Research scientist in the Laboratory of Astrophysics of Marseille, France she performed Statistical Analysis of the SOHO/LASCO coronal mass ejections and their ssociations with other solar phenomena on Sun’s surface.
Most recently as a Research scientist at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo, Russia, Tatiana worked on data assimilation of the satellites observations to reconstruct the dynamics of the Earth’s radiation belts. Tatiana published 22 papers in important referee journals. For all these reasons, the Committee decided to award Tatiana Podladchikova with the 2015 Alexander Chizhevsky Space Weather and Space Climate medal.