The Alexander Chizhevsky Medal 2013
Doctor Gaël Cessateur
Gaël defended his PhD in France in June, 2011 on the effect of the solar EUV flux on the upper atmospheres of the Earth and Ganymede. Obviously, he knows the physics behind the phenomena he is studying and fully understands the applications of the solar spectral irradiance on the atmospheres. Moreover, he knows how all the existing instruments work; Gaël Cessateur has carried a new instrumental concept which could deeply improve all the space weather future advances. The jury was also impressed by the number of publications (4 as first author and 5 a co-author) in very high level peer-reviewed journals and in a very short time. The jury also noted that Gael Cessateur is very active in international collaboration. For all these reasons, the Committee decided to award Gaël Cessateur with the 2013 Alexander Chizhevsky Space Weather and Space Climate medal.